Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Playing nice on the web

What a concept... being nice!  How often have you visited a blog, a help site or played an online game and were bombarded with nastiness. Its amazing how the anonymity of the web gives people a license to treat others with disdain and animosity.  Well join the campaign to reawaken niceness.

Operation Nice! 

Being nice is easy. There are many opportunities to be nice every day.  It's amazing how difficult it is to be genuinely appreciative of someone's efforts. Or to encourage someone.  But we definitely recognize when politeness is absent in our interchanges with others.  So, its time to stand up, look people in the eye, say "thank you" or "You look great today." Anything that will give another person a lift, validate their existence or make them smile.

If you visit Operation Nice you can find all sorts of uplifting stories, challenges to impact the lives of those around you and downloads to make it all easier.  They even have cards you can leave on the restaurant table thanking your waiter for the service provided.  Sign up for their email. Oh, and get a button for your blog.

I have been receiving some great emails from Operation Nice that keep me thinking and projecting nice into my life.  Here is the one I got today:

NICE Assignment: LML!

Posted: 16 Aug 2010 06:50 AM PDT

Hi guys! Did you have a lovely weekend? I did! Got to spend time with some friends, relax in the city, and took in a flick (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which rocked my socks). And in one week, I'll be lounging in my water hammock with a frosty beverage in my hand at an all-inclusive resort in the Riviera Maya. Say it with me now, "ahhhhhhhhhhhh."

If you guys follow me in Twitter or Facebook, you may have seen a post I made last Friday. As I was checking in on my pals, I noticed quite a few people were using "FML" in their status updates. That was kind of sad. I mean, we have so many things to be thankful for. You know, like life in general. And yeah, there are times when bad luck falls upon us and we really may be in an FML mood, but concentrating on the negative isn't going to be helpful.

So I think we need a counteractive LML (love my life) campaign going on!

Today's Assignment: LML!

Maybe it's because it's so much easier to complain online than to showcase the great things going on. Flat tire? FML. Root canal? FML. Wallet stolen? FML. But how often do we say, "My kids gave me a big hug! LML!" or "I won a blog contest! LML!" or "Just enjoyed the most delicious ice cream sundae! LML!" We need gratitude and positivity to overcome all the bellyaching online. 

So here's my proposal. If you have a Twitter account or a Facebook profile or a blog, I want you to use "LML" or an #LML tag seven times this week. Once a day. There has to be something that makes you love your life every day.

For me? Well, you know that whole upcoming water hammock, frosty beverage, Riviera Maya thing I mentioned? Yeah, LML. Hardcore. :)

Well I am up for the task.  Already for my LML for today complete.  Do yours. It will make you feel great!  

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